Wednesday, 20 August 2014

How to prevent Heart Attack
By Vanessa Lebepe

Many people around us tend to die every day because of heart attacks. Heart attack has become one of the most over populated diseases which is a very big problem. When a woman has a heart attack, her symptoms are different than a man’s. Heart disease is the No 1 killer of women, and they usually think its breast cancer. People need more education about heart diseases. (Deb Peterson)

Heart attack is the death of a segment of heart muscle caused by the loss of blood supply. If some of the heart muscle dies, the person experiences chest pain and electrical instability of the heart muscle tissue. Heart attack is caused by several things; age is the largest risk factor. When a man is over 45 years, and a woman is over 55 year, their risk of having a heart attack starts to

Apart from all this, heart attack can also be prevented; you can prevent heart disease by following a heart healthy lifestyle. Heart disease may be a leading cause of death, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept it as your fate. There are some key heart disease prevention steps you can take,
Don’t smoke or use tobacco Smoking or using tobacco of any kind is one of the most significant risk factors for developing heart disease.
Exercise for 30 min on most days of the week Getting some regular, daily exercises can reduce your risk of fatal heart disease
Eat a heart healthy diet Eating a healthy diet can reduce your risk of having heart disease.
Maintain a healthy weight Being overweight, especially if you carry excess weight around the middle, ups your risk of heart disease.
Get enough sleep Sleep deprivation can do more than leave you yawning through the day; it can also tend to harm your health.
Get regular health screenings High blood pressure and high cholesterol can damage you heart and blood vessels if you don’t go for screening more.......

So clearly heart attack risks can also be reduced only if you make sure you maintain your health and stay on the safe side. So if you’re suffering from heart disease know that it can be reduced, avoided and prevented.

key words
heart disease
healthy diet

Sources consulted, accessed on 18 august 2014 accessed on 18 august 2014
D. Peterson, (

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